
IBSC Board of Trustees
Who We Are and What We Do

The IBSC board of trustees is responsible for the exercise, conduct, and control of the powers, property, and affairs of the organization. It formulates the policies for IBSC. The board includes 12 – 27 individual trustees from member schools worldwide. Generally, each trustee serves a three-year term, with a limit of two successive terms. The length of service can be extended in certain cases, such as when a trustee serves as an officer of the board. The officers lead and manage the business of the board. The officers include the chair, treasurer, secretary, and five vice chairs, who oversee the activities in five regions of the organization: Africa, Asia, Australasia, United Kingdom/Europe, and the United States. Full board meetings occur twice each year, with the IBSC Annual Meeting always held in conjunction with the IBSC Annual Conference (usually at the end of June or beginning of July each year). Altogether, the officers meet four times each year.

The board consists of a diverse group of global educators with varying areas of expertise and paths and trajectories of professional experience. In the coming years, IBSC seeks to grow its representation both at the membership and board levels in Asia and Europe. We encourage you to get to know the trustees, especially the trustees from your region of the world, and share any ideas or questions you may have. Through constant communications and idea sharing, we strive to build community and strengthen boys’ education around the globe. View the current roster of officers and trustees.

Five standing committees share the work of the board: Finance and Operations, Membership, Program, Research, and Trustee. The committees are comprised of trustees, as well as other dedicated volunteers with particular expertise within the global boys’ school community. The committees meet in person at least twice a year during the general and annual board meetings. As needed, these committees will meet virtually. View the current rosters of the IBSC committees.

Organizational Documents

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