2018 IBSC Student Forum

Please join us for the 2018 IBSC Student Forum at The Southport School, Gold Coast, Australia. Held in conjunction with the IBSC Annual Conference, the 2018 IBSC Student Forum program runs July 4 – 9, with student presentations for the delegates at the 2018 IBSC Annual Conference on Monday, July 9. Together students and mentors will delve into the theme Creating Leaders for a Changing World.

Many of the issues currently facing young people are complex and involve a variety of stakeholders. As we may expect, leaders must consider myriad points of view as different groups vie to ensure their needs get met. To this end, the next generation of leaders must creatively devise new strategies to deal with issues that affect society economically, environmentally, culturally, and politically.

The 2018 IBSC Student Forum invites boys to examine some of the social, cultural, and environmental issues confronting Australian society, especially the communities of the Gold Coast. Students will investigate these issues from a variety of viewpoints, carefully consider perspectives from different interest groups, reflect on the implications, and create action plans. Afterward, we encourage the boys to take what they have learned and experienced throughout this process and apply it to some of the issues they see in their own communities.

Nominate a Student

Nomination deadline: Friday, March 2