Host the 2028 IBSC Annual Conference
Each year the IBSC Annual Conference brings together more than 600 educators from around the world to champion boys' education. This unique event stands out for its superior speakers and sessions, creative content, hospitable host schools, and inspirational engagement by educators—like you—who remain steadfastly dedicated to equipping boys with the tools they need to survive and thrive in our rapidly changing world.
Now's your chance to apply to host the 2028 IBSC Annual Conference. We seek a host school in North America. Apply to bring this unique event to your school community by submitting the Host School Application, which provides more details about the responsibilities and rewards of hosting this special event.
The IBSC Board of Trustees and staff will review all applications after the submission deadline. The application form explains the criteria used for selection. The board and staff will select the host school by November 1, 2024, and communicate the decision to all schools that applied.
Please submit your completed application by May 15, 2024, to IBSC Chief Operating Officer Amy Ahart at Thank you for enriching our entire community.