Teaching Online

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Intro to Teaching Online (for teachers)

Introduction to Teaching Online is designed for the secondary teacher or administrator who has limited experience with online courses, but who is interested in learning more about pedagogy and methods used when creating online content. Participants will explore: the mindset shift needed when moving from face-to-face instruction to online instruction; standards and good practice for online curriculum development and teaching; and essential tools and resources for online courses. The course concludes by asking each participant to design a unit for one of their own courses to be taught entirely online.

Participants will connect and collaborate with each other through a variety of online activities for four weeks, averaging four hours a week online. All online course work is asynchronous, allowing participants to schedule their own involvement in the course over a given week. By the end of this four-week experience, participants will gain an understanding of how to approach creating a meaningful and challenging online educational experiences for students.

What participants had to say

“A thought provoking and practical introduction to online learning. The course is well planned, structured and proceeds at a sensible pace. Well worth the time and investment.” – Educator from Wellington, New Zealand

“Through modeling teacher and student expectations, this course brilliantly presents a thorough, realistic understanding of what it takes to teach and learn successfully in an online classroom setting!” – Educator from Malvern, Pennsylvania

Click the "register here" button at the bottom of the page to access online registration.

Course Facilitators: Brad Rathgeber and Karen Douse

Brad Rathgeber is the Executive Director of One Schoolhouse. Brad has been a leader in online and blended learning for independent schools for the last six years, having been a founder of the first online independent school in 2009. He is a frequent presenter at regional, national and international conferences, and has been quoted on the topic in the Washington Post, Wall Street Journal, and on PBS. Brad holds an undergraduate degree from the University of North Carolina, where he was a Morehead Scholar, and a graduate degree from Dartmouth College. Prior to his work in online and blended learning, Brad was an administrator at Holton-Arms School.

Karen Douse is the Director of Academics for the One Schoolhouse. Since receiving her BA from Michigan State University and her MLS from the University of Michigan, she has served as a classroom teacher, librarian, library/technology director, and now Director of Academics. Karen served on the National Association of Independent Schools Curriculum/Technology Task Force responsible for developing the Principles of Good Practice for Technology Use in Independent Schools. She also helped develop the NAIS Guidelines for Professional Practice for Librarians. For the twenty years prior to working with One Schoolhouse, Karen was the Director of Library and Information Services at The Harpeth Hall School in Nashville, TN.

Unit Plan

  • Unit 1: Moving to the Mindset of Teaching Online
  • Unit 2: The Starting Points: Standards and Good Practice
  • Unit 3: Designing the Course and Its Components
  • Unit 4: Creating an Online Course Unit