Building Resilience

IBSC Research in Boys’ Schools Series

Eton CollegeMay 16 – 19, 2022

Hosted Online by Eton College (United Kingdom)


On-Demand Class Bundle

Learn from this and two other past sessions in the research series when you register for the research on-demand class bundle. Learn more.

Hear from Iro Konstantinou and Jonnie Noakes as they share their research on building resilience in Year 9 and Year 12 students. Learn how Eton College approaches school-based research at The Tony Little Centre for Innovation and Research in Learning and how this research informs its practice. Konstantinou and Noakes showcase a classroom-based character education intervention, The Resilience Project, and Building Academic Resilience: A Study with Year 12 Students.

Access this latest presentation in the research series on the IBSC Shorts platform from May 16 – 19, 2022. During this time you may interact with the presenters and other participants on the class discussion board to grow and learn together.

Who Should Attend?

Leaders and teachers in boys’ schools interested in the impact of school-based research programs on school strategy, pedagogy, and programs with a specific focus on character education that builds resilience in Year 9 and Year 12 students


Each topic in the series includes a 40-minute, pre-recorded presentation, followed by an asynchronous conversation with fellow participants and presenters on a discussion board. You have access to this content and conversation for four consecutive days. Comment on the presentation, interact with the presenters, share your own resources that may benefit others, and learn from the information global colleagues contribute. 


IBSC member rate: US $50

Pay by credit card only. This program is limited to the first 200 registrants.

Please note: Watch your email for login information for the IBSC Research in Boys’ Schools Speaker Series on May 13, 2022.


Iro KonstantinouIro Konstantinou

Eton College (United Kingdom) Researcher-in-Residence Iro Konstantinou completed her PhD at the Department of Sociology at the University of Warwick looking at constructions of race and class in private schooling. She serves as head of research programmes at the Tony Little Centre for Innovation and Research in Learning where she oversees school-based interventions on well-being and resilience, academic attainment, and student leadership. Konstantinou edits the Eton Journal for Research and Innovation in Education, which gives a platform to students, teachers, and those interested in education to reflect on their practice, teaching and learning, and present school-based research.



Jonnie NoakesJonnie Noakes

Eton College (United Kingdom) Director of Teaching and Learning Jonnie Noakes also serves as director of The Tony Little Centre for Innovation and Research in Learning, a center for pedagogical excellence, evidence-informed practice, and research into teaching, learning, and leadership in education. An expert in character education, he has two decades of experience in teaching emotional intelligence and a deep knowledge of boarding education. As an English teacher, Noakes has led two departments concurrently at Eton and at the London Academy of Excellence and has published 14 texts on contemporary novels for A-Level and undergraduate level. He has been a governor or trustee of several state and independent schools, a director of the education charity BrainCanDo, and an editorial board member of the Chartered College of Teaching’s journal Impact. Noakes serves on the IBSC Research Committee.