IBSC 21st Annual
Conference Archive

2014 marked the Coalition’s 21st annual conference and the second time that it was held in Nashville, Tennessee, at Montgomery Bell Academy. The theme of the Conference, Building Boys into Good Men , was the launching pad that helped focus an exploration of best practices for teaching boys. Underlying the entire social aspect of the event was a focus on the many types of music for which Nashville is famous. Special events included an evening at the world-famous Country Music Hall of Fame and a songwriters’ night on the MBA campus.

Conference Program Booklet

• View the Conference Program Booklet for complete conference details.

The Hero's Journey – Program Session Resources

Much of the conference program was organized under the common theme of the Hero's Journey. The Hero's Journey Program-- comprised of CHALLENGE Sessions, MENTORING Sessions, JOURNEY Sessions, and REWARD Sessions --was inspired by Joseph Campbell's concept of the Hero's Journey. Each session name refers to a stage in the journey of the hero as he prepares to leave the ordinary world and travels through the special world. The idea of the journey makes reference not only to Montgomery Bell Academy’s progressive approach to a traditional education, but also to the journey each boy has to undertake to grow into a good man.

  • The complete Hero's Journey Program details are included in the Conference Program booklet.
  • Session Handout Archive : includes PowerPoint and other handouts of many of the conference presentations. The Session Handout Archive is listed alphabetically by the primary presenter's last name.
    (Workshop handouts and other materials are provided for those workshop presenters who provided them. If you presented at the conference and have not yet submitted your materials, you may do so by emailing them to office@theibsc.org.)

Conference Video Archive

  • Includes CHALLENGE session videos, the Homeland Video, and a conference highlight video. This was our maiden voyage videotaping conference events -- please let us know how we did!

Conference Photo Gallery

  • View the conference photo retrospective to revisit some conference highlights.

IBSC Student Forum

Separate from the adults’ activities was the IBSC Student Forum, which consisted of 25 students representing schools in seven different countries from the United States to Singapore. Led by MBA’s own Lt. Col. Joe Sharbel and Dr. Cal Fuller, the forum focused primarily on building community and “stronger servants.”

If you have any questions or comments, please contact office@theibsc.org .