Instructions for 2016 IBSC Annual Conference Workshop Presenters
Thank you for agreeing to present at the 2016 IBSC Annual Conference. We have an exciting program and thrilled you are part of it. Please use this webpage as a resource for important dates, links to instructions, and general reminders. If you have specific questions, do not hesitate to reach out to Amy Ahart at
Presenter To-Do List:
✔ Register. If you have not already, please be sure to register for the conference. All workshop presenters are required to register in advance, even if you only plan to attend and present.
✔ Arrange Your Housing . Hotel rooms are going fast! If you need a hotel room while at the conference, please be sure to make your reservations before they are completely sold out.
✔ Read Some Presentation Tips. We want to ensure that you have a positive experience while presenting at the 2016 IBSC Annual Conference. Download this PDF for tips, ideas, and resources to improve your presentation.
✔ Download the Conference App. We will ask that attendees evaluate all one-hour workshops via the conference app, so it would be helpful for you to be familiar with the app. Visit your App Store on your mobile device or tablet and search for “IBSC AC16” to find and download. This will be available in early April.
✔ Download the IBSC Annual Conference Final Program. This will be available online in mid-June. A hardcopy will be distributed to each registrant onsite.
✔ AV. Be Familiar with the AV provided in your workshop room. Each room will have the following standard room set up. Please note: This cannot change.
- Classroom style or Auditorium style seating (25-40 seats)
- One table for the presenter
- Each room will have an LCD projector, and screen. Each projector will have a VGA connection. You must provide your own laptop with VGA output.
- Each workshop room will have connection to house sound from the computer, and wireless Internet access for the presenter.
- Whiteboards for the presenters to use. Flipcharts will not be provided in an effort to be environmentally sustainable.
- As you prepare your presentation:
- o If your laptop requires a VGA dongle to connect to the LCD projectors VGA connection please provide your own.
- o If you plan to stream video, please email to ensure sites you plan on using are not blocked prior to arrival.
- o If you plan on using videos, please be sure to download all materials to your computer to avoid any internet issues.
✔ Send Your Presentation and Handout Materials to IBSC. This ensures that attendees can access and download all materials before, during, and after the conference.
- Please name your materials according to the following naming convention:
- Presentations: workshopblock.Lastname-Firstinitial.Presentation
(e.g. for John Smith: 4.Smith-J.Presentation) - Supplementarymaterials:
(e.g. for John Smith: 4.Smith-J.Supplement
- Presentations: workshopblock.Lastname-Firstinitial.Presentation
- Email your materials to us at and include the subject line "16AC website materials." In the body of the note, include the name, date, and time of your workshop. Files should not exceed 1 MB. You may also submit a website link that holds all of your materials.
IBSC website submittal dates:
- By June 8: Materials will be posted before the conference starts.
- June 9–24: If possible, materials will be posted in time for the conference, but may not appear on the website until a week to 10 days after the conference.
- June 25: Materials will be posted within a week to 10 days after the conference.