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2017 IBSC Annual Conference

The Boys' Latin School of Maryland
Baltimore, Maryland, United States
25 – 28 June 2017

Review Conference Program Booklet (9 MB pdf)

Workshop Block 3

Tuesday , 27 June 2017, 11:30 AM – 12:30 PM

Academic Action for Boys Through Sustainable Campus Planning

Track: Discovery
Room: 229
Appeals to: All Ages
Knowledge Level: New to Topic
Explore “out of your seat” learning opportunities for boys by combining curriculum, sustainable campus planning, and capital projects. Delve into current technology and opportunities relating to clean energy and carbon footprint reduction and gain ideas to apply on campus and in the classroom immediately for free. Focus on campus planning, sustainable initiatives, hands-on curriculum, and boys’ interest in STEM.
Presenters: Joshua Smith and Alan Epstein, KDC Solar (United States); Walter Serafyn and James Blayer, Whiting-Turner (United States)

The Beloved Community: Engaging Student Leaders Through Diversity

Track: Engagement
Room: 240
Appeals to: Middle School (Ages 12-15)
Knowledge Level: Intermediate
Learn about Fenn's School Diversity Commitees intentional efforts to inspire students to take risks, and the initiative to create a more inclusive community through their work as leaders in the Student Diversity Committee. Fenn's Diversity Committees inspire leaders by instilling a sense of agency in the boys. The efforts inform the community and create a more inclusive environment led by the boys.
Presenters: Tete Cobblah and David Duane, The Fenn School (United States)

Workshop Handout: The Beloved Community

Building Research and Innovation Cultures in Boys’ Schools

Track: Discovery
Room: 018
Appeals to: All Ages
Knowledge Level: New to Topic
How can boys’ schools build cultures of research and innovation? How can they use research to move from good to great, from intuitive to intentional? Hear educators from Australia, the United Kingdom, and the United States share their experiences in creating research centers. After the expert panel presentation, engage in a question and answer session to delve deeper.
Presenters: Kim Hudson and Laura Sabo, St. Christopher's School (United States); Hugh Chilton, Ian Lambert, and Caitlin Munday, The Scots College (Australia); Jonnie Noakes, Eton College (United Kingdom)

Workshop Materials: http://tiny.cc/ResearchCultureIBSC

Creating an Interdisciplinary Introduction to Bioethics

Track: Engagement
Room: 238
Appeals to: Upper/Senior School (Ages 15-19)
Knowledge Level: New to Topic
Learn how to create interdisciplinary opportunities in your high school. Find out how our religion and science departments collaborate to teach a bioethics unit. Taught within an existing class, this unit attempts to foster empathy and teach students how to appreciate different viewpoints, resulting in boys learning how to engage in moral decision making.
Presenters: Kerry O'Brien and Rachelle Sam, St. Albans School (United States)

Workshop Handout: Bioethics

Creating and Implementing Student-Centered Sex Education

Track: Creativity
Room: 331
Appeals to: Lower/Primary School (Ages 5-12), Middle School (Ages 12-15)
Knowledge Level: New to Topic
When tasked with creating a sex ed class, where do you begin? Examine a sexual education program that seeks not only to address boys physical development but also their emotional growth. Break down the process of going from early curriculum planning to cross-curricular integration all while addressing student and community needs.
Presenter: Virginia Dreux, St. Bernard's School (United States)

Creativity and “The Moment”

Track: Creativity
Room: 332
Appeals to: All Ages of Students
Knowledge Level: New to Topic

Our work offers a seemingly limitless number of “moments” that invite and often demand our reaction. Hear stories from 43 years of teaching and leading an independent school as Headmaster Bill Burke shares a wealth of memories that evince the transformative power of the creative response.
Presenter: William Burke, St. Sebastian's School (United States)

Do You Really Need That? Appropriate Technology to Engage Boys in Learning

Track: Engagement
Room: 338
Appeals to: Upper/Senior School (Ages 15-19)
Knowledge Level: Intermediate
Tablets and laptops take our boys to wonderful places — too often, however, away from the teacher and the subject at hand. Is it possible, and desirable, for a lecture-based class to ban laptops? What benefits may be found, and what problems must we address? Delve into one experiment and share your own experiences and ideas with colleagues.
Presenters: Kevin Miller and Pete Bonds, Blue Ridge School (United States)

Engaging Boys Beyond Books

Track: Engagement
Room: 236
Appeals to: All Ages
Knowledge Level: New to Topic
Find out how two teacher librarians representing the IBSC Librarian Network creatively help their school communities look “beyond books” to celebrate newer forms of literacy. In particular, focus on the development and implementation of two innovative programs: a spy-themed technology orientation program and a Comic Con that really pique boys’ interest.
Presenters: Trish Cislak, Crescent School (Canada); Di Laycock, The King's School (Australia)

Evolution of Innovation

Track: Creativity
Room: 106
Appeals to: All Ages
Knowledge Level: New to Topic
Hear two schools’ divergent paths to developing a thriving innovation and entrepreneurial studies program. Learn why innovation and entrepreneurial programs are relevant, how your institution can start an innovation program with minimal risk, and what types of equipment and spaces you need. Discover flexible and adaptable strategies to create hands-on learning opportunities on your campus.
Presenters: Casey Smith and Peter Winebrenner, Hord Coplan Macht (United States)

Workshop Handout (https://www.dropbox.com/s/lm1zrjfjaxh8i97/IBSC%202017%20-%20Evo%20of%20Innov.pdf?dl=0)

Fostering Creativity Through Innovative and Globally Connected Integrated Tasks

Track: Creativity
Room: 343
Appeals to: Middle School (Ages 12-15)
Knowledge Level: Intermediate
Creativity is the ability to imagine, wonder, and ask “What if?” and “How can we?” It is about making connections, seeing the world differently, and solving problems. This set of mental attributes is essential for our boys if they are to take their place in the world with agency and agility. Explore engaging, cross-disciplinary, co-created tasks and resources to use with your students.
Presenter: Karen Yager, Knox Grammar School (Australia)

Grade 10 Cohorts: A Model of Cross-Disciplinary Teaching and Learning

Track: Engagement
Room: 138
Appeals to: Upper/Senior School (Ages 15-19)
Knowledge Level: Intermediate
Learn from our experiences designing and running cohort programs with teams of teacher collaborators. Our school runs four grade 10 cohorts. Each approaches academics and real-world issues through a particular lens: global mindedness, outdoor adventure, STEM, or theater. This model allows for depth and meaning as boys pursue areas of passion with 20 like-minded peers and two to five teachers.
Presenters: Sam Johnston and Norm Kaethler, St. George's School (Canada)

How to Drive Boys Crazy for Learning

Track: Engagement
Room: 234
Appeals to: All Ages
Knowledge Level: New to Topic
Boys are emphatic about one thing: “School is boring!” It isn’t that they don’t want to face challenges or learn. Perhaps too often we fail to engage them in learning in fun and relevant ways. Examine well-researched practices on what motivates boys and discover how to help boys learn every day.
Presenters: Jack Pannell and John Snowdy, Baltimore Collegiate School for Boys (United States)

How We Learned to Stop Worrying and Abolish Exams

Track: Engagement
Room: 231
Appeals to: Middle School (Ages 12-15), Upper/Senior School (Ages 15-19)
Knowledge Level: New to Topic
If you were to ask students to identify their biggest academic burden, “exams” would be a fairly ubiquitous answer. And we all know why — they tend to be stressful and repetitive, and don’t allow students to showcase their aptitude as much as their ability to write under pressure. So our English Department abolished them. Look at why, how, and the cost of doing so.
Presenter: Joshua McNeill, Scotch College (Australia)

Workshop Handout: How We Learned to Stop Worrying and Abolish Exams
Let IBSC Help You Serve Boys Better

Track: Engagement
Room: 230
Appeals to: All Ages
Knowledge Level: New to Topic
Heads of school, join the IBSC Executive Committee to learn more about how IBSC can benefit you and your school. Explore the myriad resources membership brings to enrich your community, and discover ways you can get more involved. The connection to global leaders dedicated to educating boys proves invaluable. Plus, take this opportunity to share with IBSC how we can serve you, schools, and boys better.
Presenters: Kerry Brennan | President IBSC, The Roxbury Latin School (United States); Tom Batty | Secretary IBSC, Scotch College (Australia); Greg O'Melia |Treasurer IBSC, The Buckley School (United States); Brad Gioia |Vice-President, Americas IBSC, Montgomery Bell Academy (United States); James Hawkins | Vice President, United Kingdom, IBSC, Harrow School (United Kingdom); David Knowles, Vice Prsident, Africa IBSC, St. Stithian’s Boys’ College (South Africa); Garth Wynne | Vice President, Australasia IBSC, Christ’s College (New Zealand)

The Role of Women in Boys’ Schools: A Continued Discussion

Track: Discovery
Room: 001
Appeals to: All Ages
Knowledge Level: New to Topic
Boys need a range of role models in their lives to guide them as they develop in many areas. Often, we hear how important it is for boys in our schools to have strong male role models and how men play a unique role in boys' development. What roles do women working in all-boys schools play? Join us for an engaging discussion.
Presenters: Janet Lien, The Browning School (United States); Rebecca Giordano Dreisbach, The Boys' Latin School of Maryland (United States)

Teacher Leaders: Blazing the Trail for School Innovation

Track: Engagement
Room: Library
Appeals to: All Ages
Knowledge Level: New to Topic
Learn how to develop a program in which teachers provide peers nonevaluative instructional coaching. Engage in small-group discussions about school-based "unconference" professional growth workshops, a growth-oriented faculty evaluation process, or the celebration of school progress.
Presenters: Jennifer Liu, Kristen Janiak Goggin, and Chris Ceci-MacGillis, Town School for Boys (United States)

Workshop Presentation: Teacher Leaders

Think, Imagine, and Create: How a Makerspace Fosters 21st Century Soft Skills

Track: Creativity
Room: 140
Appeals to: Lower/Primary School (Ages 5-12)
Knowledge Level: New to Topic
Current efforts with STEAM/STEM impact initiatives that help us develop boys. Learn about a making program, located in an intentionally designed makerspace, with an age-appropriate curriculum and an exploratory Technology Discovery Lab. This innovative set-up serves as a cornerstone of a curriculum where all boys are empowered to think, imagine, and create.
Presenters: Paris McLean, Maggie Rose, and Raymond Shay, Princeton Academy of the Sacred Heart (United States)

Workshop Presentation (http://bit.ly/2u9DufO)