2019 IBSC Annual Conference
Selwyn House School
Montréal, Québec, Canada
June 26 - 29
Download the conference program (6 MB).
Onsite Information
All plenary sessions and keynote addresses take place in the Place du Canada room on convention floor of Fairmont the Queen Elizabeth. All workshops and featured studio sessions occur at Selwyn House School.
Reach Selwyn House School at 1-514-931-9481 daily 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM.
Reach Fairmont the Queen Elizabeth 24/7 at 1-514-861-3511.
For non-medical emergencies, call Jaime McMillan at 1-514-909-7125.
Conference Dress Code
For all conference events, comfortable, smart-casual attire is appropriate. The days in Montréal promise to be warm and sunny (26°C for the high). Venues tend to keep rooms cool with air conditioning, so a sweater or jacket may come in handy.
Our special Friday night Cocktail Dinatoire Reception/Nuit en Blanc is an optional opportunity to dress in white to celebrate the late sunsets and early sunrises of the last week of June in our beautiful city. We hope you pack a white outfit (casual to dressy), but even just one white item will add to our festive Friday-night theme.
Check in at Registration
Delegates and Spouses/Partners
Conference registration opens at 1:00 PM in the lobby on the convention floor of Fairmont the Queen Elizabeth. The Registration Desk remains open throughout the conference during plenary sessions and doubles as the Information Desk. Entertainment, activities, and light refreshments are available on the convention floor until the Opening Ceremonies at 3:00 PM sharp!
Spouse and partners, after registration please stop by the Spouse/Partners Program desk to confirm your reservations for the activities, meet the leaders, and get all your questions answered.
There is also a Registration Desk at Selwyn House School in the Business Office next to The Rossy Agora. The school Registration Desk operates during the workshops.
Workshop Presenters
After checking in at the Registration Desk, please report to the Workshop Presenters’ Table located near the Registration Desk to confirm your attendance, review technology requirements and logistics, verify room assignments, and pick up or order any needed supplies.
Welcome and Registration Desks
Throughout the conference, the Welcome and Registration Desks at the hotel and at Selwyn House School are your go-to places for questions, technology support, supply pickup, and information on the conference, school, and Montréal. Find volunteers and staff ready to assist you easily identified by their colorful and artistic aprons.
IT and Wi-Fi Services and Support
Selwyn House School offers Wi-Fi in all areas of campus. IT services and support are available at the school Welcome Desk.
Wi-Fi Network Name: SHSGUEST
Password: ibsc2019
Fairmont the Queen Elizabeth offers Wi-Fi in all guest rooms, and IBSC has secured free Wi-Fi on the convention floor for attendees during the conference.
Wi-Fi Network Name: Fairmont_Meeting
Password: IBSC2019
Meals are a special part of IBSC conferences, as they provide a chance to meet and greet delegates from around the world. Breakfast is provided on Thursday and Saturday on the convention floor at Fairmont the Queen Elizabeth, and on Friday at Selwyn House School. Lunches are provided on Thursday and Friday at Selwyn House School in the Old Boys’ Tent and Playground, Coristine Hall, and Guzzo Tent and Playground. All areas serve the same meals. If you registered your special dietary restrictions, look for the section set aside for you in dining spot.
Find snacks and refreshments served near the Place du Canada Room at Fairmont the Queen Elizabeth on the convention floor during the plenary sessions. At Selwyn House School, find snacks and refreshments near the workshop rooms and in the Guzzo Tent.
Speaking French and English in Montréal
Montréal is one of the most bilingual cities in Québec and Canada, with over 59% of the population able to speak both English and French. Montréal is the second-largest primarily French-speaking city in the world, after Paris. Of course, you can get around town and enjoy your time in Montréal without knowing or speaking any French. Starting conversations with Bonjour! and ending them with a Merci! go a long way to making everyone feel appreciated. Signage in Montréal is confusing – and not just because it is in French. Feel free to ask for help if you do not understand signs about parking, public transportation, shops, restaurants, and more. Almost everything is in French, but nearly everyone speaks English and is willing to help. (N.B. Nord=North, Sud=South, Est=East, Ouest=West)
Selwyn House Pop-up Shop
The Selwyn House Pop-up Shop, selling Selwyn House and Boys and the Arts merchandise, is located on the stage in Coristine Hall (the dining room in the Lucas Building). Stop by, look around, and grab some cool things during the half days we spend at Selwyn House for workshops. If merchandise remains, the Pop-Up Shop will relocate to the convention floor of Fairmont the Queen Elizabeth on Saturday morning.
Conference Bookstore
Several authors speak at this year’s conference. Find their books available for purchase during the plenary sessions on Wednesday afternoon, Thursday morning, Friday afternoon, and Friday morning. Look for the bookstore on the convention floor near the Place du Canada room. The book store accepts cash and credit cards.
Emergency Information
Emergency Contact
If you experience a life-threatening situation, dial 911, the emergency services number in Canada. An operator may speak with you first in French but just speak in English and you will be well served. Remember your location:
Fairmont the Queen Elizabeth
900 René Lévesque Boulevard West
Montréal, Québec H3B 4A5
Selwyn House School
95 Cote St. Antoine
Westmount, Québec H3Y 2H8
First Aid
For first-aid assistance while at Selwyn House School, go directly to the Welcome Desk at the main entrance of the school. At the hotel, go to the concierge or our Welcome Desk on the convention floor.
Fire Evacuation
If you hear the fire siren at school, exit the building, cross the street in front of the school, and await instructions from a Selwyn House representative.
Lockdown (intruder alert)
In the event an intruder is reported in or near any of Selwyn's buildings, the school's public address system will sound the following phrase: “Attention, attention, attention. Lockdown, lockdown, lockdown.”
- If you are already in a classroom, close the door and lock it from the inside.
- If you are outside of a classroom, find the closest room not yet locked and hide in there.
- Proceed to the furthest side of the room away from the doorway and lie down on the floor. Use desks and chairs to block the view of where you are on the floor.
- Turn off the sound of your cell phone and electronic devices and remain quietly on the floor.
- Do not allow anyone into the classroom once you have locked the door.
Stay in the room on the floor until you hear the following phrase: “Attention, attention, attention. All clear, all clear, all clear.” Then you may get up but stay in the classroom until the police or firefighters come to the door and instruct you to leave the classroom or you hear from the sound system the following phrase: “Attention, attention, attention. Leave your classroom and proceed to [specific] meeting area.”
If you hear a fire alarm during the lockdown, do not exit the classroom. The intruder may have pulled the fire alarm to cause panic. If you hear “Attention, attention, attention. Fire alarm, fire alarm, fire alarm.” repeated over the sound system, then the alarm is real and you should exit the room. Proceed out of the building and across the street to the designated area.