2023 IBSC Annual Conference

2023 IBSC Annual ConferenceWestlake Boys High School

Auckland, New Zealand

July 5-8 

Download the conference program (2 MB).

Workshop Block 5

Friday, July 7, 3:00 - 4:00 PM


Featured Workshop
Porn, Parties, and Protective Factors: Considerations for Best Practice Consent Education
As the founder and director of inyourskin® and an advocate for healthy and consenting relationships, Tessa Opie has extensive experience in education delivery, working as an educator across the government, not-for-profit, and private sectors, and a guest lecturer at various universities. She has worked as an expert consultant for several education departments including the South Australian Department for Education, the Western Australian Department of Education, and the Northern Territory Department of Education.
Presenter: Tessa Opie, inyourskin®
Room: Staffroom
Cultural Responsiveness

Breaking Gender Limits
Statistically, women are less present in leadership in all-boys schools. How do we authentically include the female voice in the ongoing development of boys and their understanding of self and their place in society as they navigate a more inclusive future? Both male and female voices prove vital to the development of healthy relationships for young men and boys of all ages.
Presenters: Angela Collins and Emma Begg, Blackfriars Priory School (Australia)
Appeals to: All Ages
Knowledge Level: New to the topic
Room: L5


Teacher Practice with Indigenous Student Voice in Australia and New Zealand
Hear two experienced teachers, who are also academics and researchers, describe the opportunities and barriers to working with Indigenous voice and presence in their classrooms. Compare teacher practice, curricula design, and working with students in both an Australian and a New Zealand context, exploring parallels and possibilities. Engage in a question and answer session.
Presenters: Nick Brown, Westlake Boys High School (New Zealand); Richard (Johnson) Sallis, University of Melbourne
Appeals to: Upper/Senior School (Ages 15-19)
Knowledge Level: Intermediate
Room: Openground

Effective Teaching Practices

Building Community Through Diverse Learning Curriculum in the Primary Classroom
Negative consequences of increased technology and social media use are continually evidenced by students’ abilities to positively interact in social and academic contexts. Collaborative curriculum and pedagogical practices aim to facilitate positive interactions across a range of educational contexts, with a view to promoting well-being and encouraging and strengthening the resilience of students.
Presenter: Kerrie Aquilina, The Southport School (Australia)
Appeals to: Lower/Primary School (Ages 5-12)
Knowledge Level: Intermediate
Room: L7

Wine Tasting Menu

Full STEAM Ahead
Why switch to STEAM (science, technology, engineering, arts, and math)? There exists a risk of not advancing our society. Creativity breeds innovation, and innovation, progress. Take this opportunity to explore techniques that integrate artistic training with STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) curriculum. Get hands-on training while collaborating with peers to create works of art.
Presenter: Rachel Muldez, St. Mark's School of Texas (United States)
Appeals to: Middle School (Ages 12-15), Upper/Senior School (Ages 15-19)
Knowledge Level: Intermediate
Room: L8

Inspiring Teachers to Believe That Every Man Is Capable of All Ideas
For boys to dream beyond limits, teachers need to inspire beyond limits. In turn, managers should inspire teachers to engage boys in alternative, absorbing modes of learning that give them the skills and confidence to dream beyond bimits. Sometimes, this requires a fundamental educational paradigm shift: a collaborative inquiry into ways of addressing the aforementioned challenges.
Presenter: Glynnis Leigh Moore, The Ridge School (South Africa)
Appeals to: Lower/Primary School (Ages 5-12)
Knowledge Level: Intermediate
Room: L9


Inverting the Past: Flipped Pedagogy and Historical Thinking
The teaching and learning process gets inverted in a flipped pedagogical model. Students complete work traditionally assigned as homework before the lesson begins. Then class time gets devoted to higher-order tasks that demand teacher assistance. Join us to discuss a flipped pedagogical model and discover how to implement the model in your history classrooms.
Presenter: Charlene Landvogt, Scotch College (Australia)
Appeals to: Middle School (Ages 12-15), Upper/Senior School (Ages 15-19)
Knowledge Level: New to the topic
Room: L10

School Leadership
Constructing a Strong, Independent Male
"Trust men and they will be true to you; treat them greatly and they will show themselves great.”—Ralph Waldo Emerson. The way to a boy's heart is through his eyes, his ears, and his other senses. How do we provide this for young men looking for a mentor and support? We teach them to be constructive, not destructive. We model and coach. Then we do not let them quit the mission or the lesson.
Presenter: Mac McStravick, The Regis School (United States)
Appeals to: Middle School (Ages 12-15)
Knowledge Level: Intermediate
Room: G11

Project Reset: Redesigning an Entire School
At Dilworth School, a New Zealand multi-campus private school for underprivileged students, we have redesigned the entire school—from its taught curriculum, to a bespoke well-being curriculum, to reimagining a Learning in the Outdoors program. We received international accreditation for this safeguarding program and a new school has emerged from the shadows.
Presenter: Dan Reddiex, Dilworth School (New Zealand)
Appeals to: All Ages
Knowledge Level: Advanced
Room: G12

Research in Boys’ Schools: Current Trends, Needs, and Opportunities
Research plays an increasingly important role in boys' education. Hear a panel explore current research trends, the value of resourcing research in schools, and recommendations for growing a research culture. With examples from boys schools around the world, discover what opportunities might exist through IBSC to engage in research.
Presenters: Caitlin Munday, Hugh Chilton, and Ian Lambert, The Scots College (Australia); Ross Featherston, Brighton Grammar School (Australia); Kim Hudson, St. Christopher's School (United States); Sandra Boyes, Crescent School (Canada); Peter Coutis, Hale School (Australia)
Appeals to: All Ages
Knowledge Level: Intermediate
Room: G13

Vision and Faculty Culture—A Necessary Connection
The quality of the education cannot exceed the quality of the teacher. Faculty culture should be one of the highest strategic priorities for any school. The problem is many don't understand the crucial connection between a clear vision and a vibrant faculty culture. Schools desperately need both to move to the next level of excellence.
Presenter: Hal Hannaford, Selwyn House School (Canada)
Appeals to: All Ages
Knowledge Level: Intermediate
Room: G14


Well-Being and Healthy Communities

Gryffindor? Slytherin? The Crucial Role That House Systems Play in Secondary Schools
A system of organizing students within the school, such as a vertical or house system, can play a key role in the holistic approach to engaging boys and providing a sense of school connectedness and belonging. Join us to examine contemporary research around these systems—particularly the house system—including aspects of psychology, staff-student relationships, and student leadership.
Presenter: Todd Zadow, St. Margaret's Berwick Grammar (Australia)
Appeals to: Middle School (Ages 12-15), Upper/Senior School (Ages 15-19)
Knowledge Level: New to the topic
Room: L6


Hey, Ref! Hey, Coach!
Explore the ever-changing world of school athletics and the behaviors that boys get exposed to in relation to the communication and action of coaches and referees. Join a roundtable discussion on how we as educators can lead our boys by example and navigate the sometimes difficult job of working with our community to show respect throughout all aspects of an athletic contest.
Presenter: Matthew Waldron, Stuart Hall School for Boys (United States)
Appeals to: All Ages
Knowledge Level: New to the topic
Room: L1

How to Identify and Measure Leadership Potential in Students
How can individuals identify others as leaders? Research indicates various methods for determining what student leadership actually looks like in practice. In a school, multiple contexts provide different presentations of student leadership qualities—or lack thereof. Join us to provide teachers with a platform to unpack the criteria that may assist in identifying leadership.
Presenter: Ashik Malani, Auckland Grammar School (New Zealand)
Appeals to: Middle School (Ages 12-15), Upper/Senior School (Ages 15-19)
Knowledge Level: Intermediate
Room: L2

Our AWEsome Journey
If you have been tasked with leading student well-being at your school, this session is for you. Join me as I reflect on the implementation of our AWEsome well-being framework from research to practice. Focus on the structural and cultural changes required to harness your students' voices and agency in leading your school in this vital work.
Presenter: Ilona Welch, St. Augustine's College (Australia)
Appeals to: Middle School (Ages 12-15), Upper/Senior School (Ages 15-19)
Knowledge Level: New to the topic
Room: L3


Successfully Implementing a Physical Literacy Program for Academic Excellence
Learn how to determine your students’ physical literacy level using an empirically validated movement-competency framework. The framework assists teachers and school staff with the tools necessary to assess and assign students to a physical literacy level so that the exercises and various physical tasks required within a physical literacy curriculum contribute to the student’s overall well-being.
Presenters: Matt Kritz, University of California San Diego; Robin Mildenhall, Westlake Boys High School (New Zealand)
Appeals to: All Ages
Knowledge Level: New to the topic
Room: L4
