Daring to be Different, MAR '15

IBSC Conference: Daring to be Different

Tuesday 17 March, 2015
Radley College, Abingdon, Oxfordshire, England

Following on previous UK conferences dedicated to the professional growth of educators in boys' schools, Radley College and the IBSC are sponsoring a programme which offers a chance to explore the different ways we, as educators of boys, can dare to be different .

Registration from 09:30. Conference begins at 10:15

The conference will begin with Jim Hawkins, Headmaster of Harrow and IBSC Vice President UK-Europe, chairing a session on ‘Pressing issues for IBSC members’.

This will be followed by the opportunity to attend two of the three following workshops:
Christopher Ellott, Head of English at Radley, will explain a methodology for bucking the trend regarding boys’ reading and enjoyment of prose and poetry, as well as outlining effective strategies for improving grammar and spelling

Simon Barlass, Head of Modern Languages at Radley, will outline his exciting and successful programme for encouraging boys to develop and excel in the study of Modern Languages
Ian Yorston, Director of Digital Strategy, will explore the rapid and often bewildering pace of change in technology and how schools can best respond to it.


Following lunch and an opportunity to network with colleagues, guest speaker Paul Craven will examine how behavioural biases affect our decision-making in all areas of life, with his highly successful presentation ‘The Magic of Behavioural Economics’. Understanding these principles can provide both insight and leverage as we endeavour to grow boys into good men. Among other things, Mr. Craven will discuss three key issues, applicable to all:

  1. How the human brain is hardwired for perfectly good evolutionary reasons to use ‘System 1’ thinking (fast, intuitive, unconscious) in preference to ‘System 2’ (slow, cognitive, conscious), sometimes leading to biases and irrationality.
  2. Examples, in all aspects of our lives, including education, of the 150+ biases and mental short cuts.
  3. What can we do about these biases? And equally importantly, how can we turn them to our advantage in our work and personal lives?

Conference closes at 15:30

For details on this one of a kind conference, visit the conference programme and registration webpages.