2022 IBSC Africa Regional Conference

IBSC Southern Africa Conference

March 10 – 11, 2022
Rondebosch Boys’ Schools
Cape Town, South Africa

The Elephant in the Room



Registration has closed. Please contact Bruce Collins at collins@theibsc.org with any questions.

  • IBSC member: US $225 (approximately R3,500)
  • Nonmember: US $260 (Approx. R4,000)

Please Note: The exact currency conversion may fluctuate slightly.

Registration fees include:

  • Conference registration
  • Refreshments and lunches
  • Roundtrip transfers between hotels and Rondebosch Schools on conference days and the Gala Dinner
  • Gala dinner at Kelvin Grove

You are responsible for paying for your travel (fully changeable/refundable flights recommended), accommodations, and transfers to and from the airport to the hotel.