Harrow SchoolIBSC UK-Europe Regional Conference

February 22, 2023

Harrow School
Harrow on the Hill, United Kingdom

How Learning Relationships Influence Well-Being and Boys’ Views of Masculinity


Choose one workshop from each block. 

Workshop Block 1

10:15 - 11:15 AM

Developing a 21st Century Curriculum 

This workshop charts the development of a curriculum that prepares boys for a life of service, learning, leadership, and fulfilment. Following a recent no-assumptions curriculum review, 2021-22 marked the first year of Harrow 's innovative Curriculum 2025. Get a sense of how best to harness boys' development from cognitive, social, and digital perspectives.
Presenter: Charles Bailey

Technology and Innovation in Boys’ Schools 

We live in a digital world where technology is a fundamental part of modern society. Explore innovative teaching and learning ideas utilizing digital technology. Examine examples of good practice, how to promote and encourage digital literacy and safety, and how to encourage boys to develop their digital capability and skills. 
Presenter: Chris Crowe

Leadership Education in Boys’ Schools 

Viewing leadership as an everyday social transaction exercised by all, as well by those appointed to positions of responsibility, frames a discussion around developing leadership throughout all elements of the curriculum. Focus on embedded tone and ethos as well as consideration of structures and systems to encourage and reinforce positive leadership behaviors. 
Presenter: Alastair Land

Better Minds, Better Work

How can we facilitate our students to become better learners? Examine how educators can foster excellent learning habits in the classroom through a range of targeted and focused approaches to students’ work, as well as helping them to acquire transferable skills, enabling them to think more laterally, and connecting a range of different academic subject areas. 
Presenter: Laurence Hedges

Workshop Block 2

3:15 - 4:15 PM

Healthy Masculinity

Explore practical approaches to positive conversations around what it means to be a boy in today’s world. Consider schoolwide strategies to promote a healthy view of masculinity. Conversations about raising responsible, caring men are increasingly important; yet at the same time, such conversations can also be challenging. Join us to consider nonconfrontational and curriculum-integrated approaches to exploring masculinity in schools and gain an opportunity to share good practice. 
Presenters: Thomasin Bailey and Ben Mayhew

High-Impact Partnerships: How to Harness Our Collective Resources to Deliver Maximum Impact in the Post-Pandemic World

The pandemic has widened pre-existing opportunity and achievement gaps, hitting historically disadvantaged students hardest through impacts on their learning and well-being. Collectively, we have a steep challenge ahead of us as we support young people to fulfil their potential. However, we also have the collective resources and the will to deliver measurable impact. Join us to hear about some ongoing initiatives at Harrow School and beyond, share insights, network with colleagues, and find ways to collaborate with one another to deliver quantifiable community benefit. 
Presenters: Gitanjali Bhattacharya and Tim Dalton

21st Century Boy

The world around us appears to be changing more rapidly than ever before. In that context, what are the most important qualities and skills for our boys to possess as they leave school? Why? What frameworks and strategies do we need to put in place in our schools to maximize the chances of boys acquiring those qualities and skills during their time with us? Join us to focus on these questions and other related themes. Consider Harrow’s current approach and share your own thoughts and ideas on what is working well in your school. 
Presenter: Stephen Harrison

Men and Women: Gender Diversity in Boys’ Schools 

How can boys’ schools employ a balanced representation of men and women? Why do boys’ schools need women in their senior leadership teams? How do boys benefit from seeing women in leadership? Explore these questions while also examining the experiences of women working in boys’ schools and how we can support women as they develop their careers. 
Presenters: Natalya Silcott and Lucy Ashe

Moving into Pastoral Leadership 

What are the underlying principles of pastoral care? What motivates people to work in this area? What does pastoral leadership entail? Explore these questions and reflect on what pastoral leadership means to you as we draw upon the experience of current house masters. 
Presenters: Hamish Haldane and Simon Sampson