At this point, preliminary findings indicate that the graphic organizers did positively impact the boys’ comprehension and level of engagement with the novels.
The topic of inquiry was chosen for the inaugural project because of the widespread concern that many boys are disengaged from reading, and less competent in mastering the skills of literacy, often with significant consequences for their achievement. Boys' schools are uniquely positioned to focus on curriculum, approaches, and pedagogy that promote their engagement with literate tasks and outcomes.
The Boys and Reading topic was subdivided into two themes: The Use of Graphic Organizers in Reading Instruction for Boys; and The Use of Graphic Novels to Engage Boys in Reading.
Team members reported at the 13th IBSC Annual Conference in Johannesburg, South Africa, July, 2006.
The first team focused on primary level boys, and set as its precise research question: "Does the use of pre-designed graphic organizers in reading instruction increase boys' engagement and level of comprehension?" The team reported that the use of graphic organizers was a powerful tool in helping boys navigate and probe texts, with significant impact on their understanding of these texts.
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The second team focused on secondary level boys, and set as its research question: "how might graphic novels engage boys in school reading?" The team reported that graphic novels can serve to engage boys in reading, and lead them to greater interest in and understanding of texts.
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Reports ordered alphabetically by title. Click/tap on report titles to read full report posting.
At this point, preliminary findings indicate that the graphic organizers did positively impact the boys’ comprehension and level of engagement with the novels.
How might graphic novels engage boys in school reading? One of the first two IBSC Action research projects revealed that the visual dimension of the graphic novel enhanced boys’ comprehension of texts and facilitated the development of higher-order thinking, visual literacy and critical thinking.