2009-10 Boys & Writing

The topic of boys’ writing was considered worthy of investigation in light of studies that indicate many boys are often not writing with confidence, nor writing prolifically, and that they do not particularly enjoy the process.

The research also indicates that many factors have contributed to this situation: the so-called “feminization” of writing, the over-emphasis on writing for assessment and achievement rather than for a meaningful audience, limited choice of topics and structure, and so on.

A number of clear themes are evident in the two volumes ofReady, Willing, and Able: Boys and Writing.

  • The first theme focused on the ways in which Web 2.0 applications such as wikis, discussion boards and blogs can change the way boys feel about writing tasks.
  • A second theme of the projects highlighted the importance of audience and feedback for boy writers. Teachers explored a variety of ways to provide an authentic audience and worthwhile feedback to encourage their boys to write. One of these projects evaluated the effect of using anonymity in writing, while another used a process of selective correction to encourage second language writers of English.
  • The third theme relates to the use of a variety of prompts and stimuli to encourage boys to write, whilst the final area of focus examined the value of collaborative projects in engaging boys in the writing process.

Team members reported at the 17th IBSC Annual Conference in Philadelphia, USA, June, 2010.

These reports are a treasure-trove of ideas for motivating boy writers, and a celebration of the unique power of action research to generate reflection and change in teaching practice – to the betterment of boys’ education everywhere.

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2009-10: Writing (22 Reports)

Reports ordered alphabetically by title. Click/tap on report titles to read full report posting.