How can digital technologies transform the creative writing process and foster imagination and risk taking though collaboration?
It is broadly acknowledged that the use of digital technologies can foster creativity by enabling users to think and act in ways that have been previously inaccessible or non-existent. These technologies encourage individuals and groups to build and share knowledge in ways that support exploration, play, risk- taking, collaboration and reflection. Research also supports the special role that digital technologies can play in the engagement and motivation of boys in their learning.
So how might teachers utilize digital technologies in the classroom, and how might they evaluate the effect of this use on boys’ learning? Over a 12-month period, the members of this IBSC action research team conducted action research projects within their schools to reflect on, and evaluate, how digital tools can foster boys’ creativity. Boys used iPads to: develop story-telling skills and create innovate art projects with Photoshop and Histamatic; Minecraft to create potential visions of a city; blogging to write for an audience; GoAnimate to produce social issue posters and demonstrate deep understanding of a concept in novels; and Info.gram and Easel.y to develop powerful displays of economic solutions to current world problems. Documentaries were made in iMovie to display science lab reports, whilst in another project boys were given a choice of tools with which to undertake project-based learning. Subjects enhanced by creative moments included reading, writing, science, economics, social studies and art across a variety of grade levels.
Team members presented at the 20th IBSC Annual Conference in Richmond, VA, June, 2013.
Reports ordered alphabetically by title. Click/tap on report titles to read full report posting.
How can digital technologies transform the creative writing process and foster imagination and risk taking though collaboration?
What factors encourage teachers to adopt new pedagogical approaches? more specifically: Does digital technology X promote creativity in boys’ learning of Y?
How can the use of a class wiki enrich how boys’ collaborate, create and communicate, and in turn foster creativity within a design process model of teaching and learning?
How can a blog capture and extend boys’ creative moments during the IB Extended Essay writing process?
How does the use of assertive inquiry and KidPix enable boys to problem solve more creatively during group work?
To what degree can collaboration via social media, such as Facebook, foster creative approaches to concept development and design problem-solving in student project work?
How does using Minecraft to create a novel product enhance boys’ creativity?
What creative experiences emerge from the production of digital lab reports?
How does the use of Go!Animate to create a digital audio story foster collaboration and risk-taking in a Spanish language class?