How might a critical exploration of poverty reduction facilitate Year 11 boys’ engagement in overseas social justice programmes?
As the forces of information and communication continue to shrink the world economically, socially, and culturally, the imperative to develop in young people the knowledge and skills to become active and articulate global citizens has become a top priority for educators. The 2015-16 Action Research Team conducted cutting-edge research on the topic of Boys as Global Citizens. More than 50 boys' school educators engaged in months of online discussion and research, along with face-to-face meetings in Cape Town, South Africa, and Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, at the 2015 and 2016 IBSC Annual Conferences.
Gain valuable insight from these top nine Action Research reports (alpha by last name):
Reports ordered alphabetically by title. Click/tap on report titles to read full report posting.
How might a critical exploration of poverty reduction facilitate Year 11 boys’ engagement in overseas social justice programmes?
How might a collaborative investigation by Grade 8 boys into household electricity consumption foster responsible attitudes towards sustainable energy usage?
How does adopting a shelter for abused women and their children foster empathy in high school boys towards women?
How does blogging about environmental practices enhance 7th Grade boys' awareness and understanding of global environmental issues?
Can workshops on gender equality make boys better global citizens?
How can personal interaction with developmentally delayed individuals impact Grade 8 boys’ empathy and respect for diversity?
How might an investigation by Year 8 boys into the legacy of famous leaders and associated Millennium Development Goals help to develop the attributes of an active global citizen?
How can participation in two urban environmental projects improve Grade 6 boys’ understanding of the impact of the loss of biodiversity in their own community and in urbanised areas?
How can repeated interaction with the beneficiaries of community service affect the development of empathy in high school boys?