Share Your School Stories and Photos
To celebrate boys' schools around the globe and share fellowship, we want to feature the many ways schools support boys and mental wellness. Please send us a favorite story of how your school boosts boys' mental well-being (about 150 words or less) and a photo to feature on our website by February 14, 2025. Please send the story and your favorite high-resolution jpg file meeting the following specifications to Include a link to your website, page, video, or other media to post with the story and drive traffic back to your school.
Images for Home Page Slideshow
1,440 pixels wide X 500 pixels high (jpg files only)
The final size for images appearing on the IBSC home page slide show are 1,440 pixels wide X 500 pixels high. Please submit an image in these dimensions, or any larger comparable ratio. Images that do not meet these specifications will be cropped to meet the necessary dimensions.
Images for Storytelling Page
500 pixels wide (jpg files only)
Please submit an image in these dimensions. If you choose to submit a wider images, we will crop it to meet the necessary dimensions.
Please Note:
- Images containing identifiable children must have verifiable parental consent. IBSC is not liable for any consequences that may result from the posting of school images.
- Please send up to three of your favorite images.
- In general, larger image sizes will render well when scaled down, but the reverse is not true.
- Please send jpg files only.
- Questions? Contact
We will feature some images in the carousel on our home page and all of them on our Member School Stories page. Watch for more themes coming soon.
Thank you for championing boys’ education!
We also feature photos from schools throughout our website. Please send three or four favorite photos of your school (buildings/grounds or students in action) to following these specs. Thank you for sharing your school with our global community.
Images for Interior Page Headers
1,440 pixels wide X 400 pixels high (jpg files only)
The final size for images appearing on IBSC interior page headers are 1,440 pixels wide X 400 pixels high. Please submit an image in these dimensions, or any larger comparable ratio. Images that do not meet these specifications will be cropped to meet the necessary dimensions.
Images for Right Page Banners
380 pixels wide X 250* pixels high
The final size for images appearing on IBSC right page banner slide shows are 380 X 253 (though the image height may vary from 200 – 300 pixels). Please submit an image in these dimensions, or any larger comparable ratio. Images that do not meet these specifications will be cropped to meet the necessary dimensions.
Images for News Stories
380 pixels wide X 380 pixels high
For images appearing in IBSC News stories and on the home page, the final size is 380 pixels wide X 380 pixels high. Please submit an image in these dimensions, or any larger comparable ratio Images that do not meet these specifications will be cropped to meet the necessary dimensions.