IBSC Action Research
“Action research is any systematic inquiry conducted by teacher researchers, principals, school counselors, or other stakeholders in the teaching/learning environment to gather information about how their particular schools operate, how they teach, and how well their students learn. This information is gathered with the goals of gaining insight, developing reflective practice, effecting positive changes in the school environment (and on educational practice in general), and improving student outcomes and the lives of those involved.”
– Geoffrey Mills, Action Research: A Guide for the Teacher Researcher (2nd Edition)
IBSC promotes the collaboration of educators in member schools worldwide to design, implement, evaluate, and report on in-depth action research projects they have undertaken to improve their effectiveness in the classroom and beyond. Working remotely with a team of educators with similar interests, these researchers engage in discussion, offer informed reflection, and generate and evaluate innovative ideas about best practices in the education of boys.
Since IBSC introduced the program in 2005, more than 430 teachers and administrators from all regions of IBSC membership have contributed to these projects, which are conducted over a two-year period with the assistance of an IBSC Action Research coordinator. In many cases, their reports offer detailed information on how to replicate both research and results in your school environment.
Available exclusively to IBSC members, results are shared at IBSC conferences and workshops and made available online through the IBSC Member Center.
Hear directly from team leaders and action researchers about their firsthand experiences with the program in Episode 2 of the IBSC Exploring Boys' Education Podcast, which details the IBSC Action Research Program.
IBSC Action Research cohorts have investigated various thought-provoking topics including:
- 2025-26: Foundations for Learning: Facilitating Boys’ Executive Function and Self-Regulation in the Classroom
- 2024-25: Boys and Belonging: Facilitating Inclusivity, Diversity, and Connectedness
- 2023-24: Balanced Boys: Promoting Healthy Masculinity Beyond the Classroom
- 2022-23: Shattering Stereotypes: Helping Boys Cultivate Healthy Masculinity
- 2021-22: Boys and Technology: New Horizons, New Challenges, New Learning
- 2019-20: Developing Agency: Boy Voice and Choice
- 2018-19: Boys and Stories: Pathways to Learning
- 2017-18: Adaptability in a Changing World
- 2016-17: Collaboration and the Power of Learning Groups
- 2015-16: Boys as Global Citizens
- 2014-15: Boys as Makers
- 2013-14: Character Education
- 2012-13: Creativity Through Digital Technologies
- 2011-12: Mining Key Pedagogical Approaches
- 2010-11: Languages, Leadership, and Libraries
- 2009-10: Boys and Writing
- 2008-09: Boys and Masculinity
- 2007-08: Positive Relationships / Positive Learning
- 2006-07: Boys and Digital Literacy
- 2005-06: Boys and Reading